Kristian Baudler 

Preacher of the Gospel

"And I would work to help them see their role as image-bearers in the earth NOW, and the New Heaven and New Earth to come is not powered by the limits of human resources. We were designed to co-labor with God, not just do work for God."

What is being missed here is that "We have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer we who live, but…

Does the Kingdom of God fit into the story we think the Bible is telling?

"How can we expect to see the body of Christ become healthy and fruitful in coming generations if we allow them to be pew sitters and passive observers when their Lord calls them to be his hands and feet and voice?"

The author's question contains 2 mistakes. It suggests it is up to us to "see the body of Christ become healthy and fruitful…

The Missing Leadership Priority: Equipping the Saints