Come for the gloom, stay for the Hüsker Dü. Or am I repeating myself?
I live in the UK. Yes, there is a problem with two tier policing. Yes, I wish Elon Musk would please shut up and stop making it all about him. No, he isn’t the main person to have pointed out the problem. He just likes making everything all about him. Maybe if you want to talk about UK matters, you should have somebody from the UK on your podcast. I cannot emphasise how irritating it was for me to listen to this. Neither of you have a clue what’s actually going on here because you’re not here. …
They didn't downplay the rapes. Which I was also concerned with, given the podcast title. But, in an effort to reflexively oppose anything Elon Musk does, accepted credulously any accounts opposing him.
Per Jesse, at ~26:50 "Elon seems to be interpreting this as 'Ah-ha, they are trying to cover up the Muslim rape gangs' but that's just not a credible interpretation of this" and then proceeds to just accept everything stated by government officials and the BBC as conclusively ending the inquiry -…