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Aaron Mate
by Aaron Maté
Aether Force Substack
by Aether Force
Age of Invention, by Anton Howes
by Anton Howes
Agent131711’s Substack
by Agent131711
Aldhissla’s Substack
by Aldhissla
by analogy
Biocentric with Max Wilbert
by Max Wilbert
Black Mountain Analysis
by Aleks
The Carousel
by Isaac Simpson
The Chicago Thinkerstack
by The Chicago Thinker
Christine Massey's "germ" FOI Newsletter
by Christine Massey FOIs
Chronic Illness & HHV-6 Report
by Neenyah Ostrom
COVIDsteria + Tales From the Great Reset
by Citizen Satirist (CS)
The Cultural Futurist
by Rachel Haywire
Danni’s Substack
by Danni Møller
Dominic Frisby's Comedy News
by Dominic Frisby
Dr Sam Bailey
by Dr Sam Bailey
Dr. John's Blog
by John Day MD
Dr. Nicholas Corrin's Newsletter
by Dr. Nicholas Corrin
Dystopian Down Under
by Rebekah Barnett
The Eye Opener
by Dr Mathew Maavak
Fisted by Foucault
by Niccolo Soldo
The Free Press
by Bari Weiss
Gavin’s Newsletter
by Gavin Mounsey
Geoff Olson 2.0
by Geoff Olson
Hart’s Blog
by Hart Hagan
by William Schryver
Irrational Fear
by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
Karl.C’s Substack
by Karl.C
karlof1’s Geopolitical Gymnasium
by Karl Sanchez
Liar's World
by J. Arnold
Lockdown Times
by Jeffrey Strahl
Michael Darby in Australia
by Michael Darby
Michael Snyder’s Substack
by Michael Snyder
The Nested Pathway
by Darcia Narvaez
The New Lede
by The New Lede Staff
News from Uncibal
by David McGrogan
Notes From The Past
by Notes From The Past
The Proud Holobionts
by Ugo Bardi
Reality Bites By Nick Cater
by Nick Cater
Reclaim Ethical Medicine
by Libby Klein
Robert's Occam's razor
by Rob (c137)
the secular heretic
by Kyle Young
by laughlyn (johan eddebo)
Stay Grounded
by Justin Hanagan
A Step Beyond Evil
by Steve Nagel
Surviving Leviathan with Peter Gelderloos
by Peter Gelderloos
Taboo Truth
by Karl Haemers
Tim Truth
by Tim Truth
The Truth Seeker
by John Blaid
Unauthorized Science
by Josh Mitteldorf
by Frances Leader
Welcome to Chiron Return - Planet Waves FM
by Eric F Coppolino