Lauren Smebeski 

Contrary to what some in the far-right echo chamber have been saying this week, I have not been silenced. I’m right here folks. And I am ready to get started!

Hey guys. Dad’s all taken care of. So I’ll see you later today on The Jim Acosta Show at 4p ET/1p ET. Norm Eisen joins to talk about the resignations at the SDNY. I’ll also speak with Ezra Levin with Indivisible about the need for pushback in Washington. Plus Manuel Oliver joins me to discuss his one-man show about his son, Joaquin who died in the Parkland school shooting 7 years ago. See you soon.

A horrible anniversary for the Tappers

Hey friends unfortunately I won’t be able to do the show today as my dad had a medical issue come up. Can’t do the show from the doctor‘s office. Hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow!

This is Duke. My rescue beagle. He is anticipating a lot more walks now.

Really love this cartoon from the great Michael De Adder. The outpouring of support coming in has been truly amazing! Thanks everybody!

Dammed if you do; dammed if you do again
Quick note re: upcoming posts
Postcard from an Unraveling - Part 2b
Postcard from an Unraveling – Part 2a
Postcard from an Unraveling