Nathaniel Elijah 

I am just a write. My piece can be abstract and dynamic, depending on the motivation or inspiration. I want to touch parts of life.


Okay so today I'll be talking about people a bit, the calibers of humans in and around the world. It saddens my heart greatly to see how most of us humans don't invest much on our intellect; we prefer to keep spending our time on things that don't really add tremendous value in our lives. Someone says "insanity is doing the same thing, in the same way and expect a different kind of result" and to be quite frank, I've been insane for long — not anymore. I have made up m…


Suicide, so what comes to your mind when you hear the utterance of it? Self-kill, self-slaughter, self-murder, self-slaying and whatever it is you want to call it.

I don't know about you, but there's a spirit behind all suicides of all kinds. Drowning, poisoning, stabbing, hanging or even taking overdose of pills; in my country the commonest of suicide is poisoning. When I here such stories, the first thing that pops up in my mind is; “what situation got this fellow to the extent of takin…

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Peace of mind the ultimate of it all

Reacting to everything

I’m 'Slowly' Learning That I Don’t Have To React To 'Everything' That Bothers Me.

I’m slowly learning that I don’t have to hurt those who hurt me.

I’m slowly learning that maybe the 'ultimate' sign of maturity is walking away instead of getting even.

I’m slowly learning that the energy it takes to react to every bad thing that happens to you drains you and stops you from seeing the other good things in life.