The app for independent voices

You might too if you weren’t so closed minded… Yeah I’m talking to YOU, The LIBERATI!!!

MLB Substack assemble!

Some of the best baseball writers on Substack kindly put aside some time to send me their award winners, playoff picks and World Series winners for the Steele Sports Bar’s 2025 MLB Predictions Roundtable!

Thank you to

, , , , , , and for getting involved!

Bumper 2025 MLB Predictions Roundtable!

I always find The Neighborhoods so intriguing! If you live in NYC, or are NYC curious, this is a must read.

Crown Heights - Brooklyn

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Everybody's Got a Story: James David Weinstock

Whenever I lose subscribers, I look at it as pruning. It hurts at first, but with each passing week, an audience is being built that is full and healthy and exactly who I want to be spending time with. And that will produce more fruit in the long run.

Great discussions

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What’s your most controversial sports hot-take?

ADHD & depression are a brutal combo. One makes you restless, the other makes you exhausted. One makes you chase dopamine, the other makes you feel nothing at all.

This isn’t laziness. It’s a brain caught in opposing forces.

If you’re struggling:

  • Low-energy days? Do bare-minimum tasks, not zero.

  • No motivation? Pair obligations with dopamine.

  • Feeling worthless? ADHD lies to you about progress. Small wins count.

You're not failing. You're surviving a battle most people don't even see.

Feb 17
6:59 PM