Lindsay L. O'Connor 

Spiritual director, justice seeker, poet, & contemplative who loves books, naps, & the Oxford comma. Companioning others pursuing wholeness in relation to God, self, & others.
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pay attention: spiritual practices & the enneagram

“We’re taught to sacrifice our bodies more than we’re taught to lie down by still waters.”

“If you aren’t In your body, somebody else is.”

—Cole Arthur Riley

You enter the extraordinary by way of the ordinary.

— Frederick Buechner

The loudest voices rarely represent the majority. They're usually speaking for the extremes.

You won't understand the views of a group until you've invited the quieter voices into the discussion.

Don't mistake silence for disengagement. It's often a sign of deep reflection.

A little check in… how is everyone doing? Maybe you need a moment to tend to your nervous system, like I do.

Deep breath, in the nose and out the mouth.

Unclench the jaw.

Notice areas of tension.

What most wants your attention right now?

What are your body sensations and feelings saying?

Where can you send compassion?

How can you stay with yourself in this moment?

It is no small thing

to come home to yourself.

Apricity is an old English word for the warmth of the winter sun.

In the bleakness of this season, may you find moments to bask in some apricity.

When it’s cold enough to see the melody

I need you to know that it’s never too late to join the fight for collective liberation. It starts within. Free yourself from the grip of supremacy culture. The more you free yourself, the more space you have to work toward the liberation of all.

Anyone looking for a simple, soulful Lenten practice? The season begins in less than two weeks on Wednesday, March 5.

This will be my fourth year of inviting folks into my favorite Lenten practice: every day sit outside (or near a window) and spend ten minutes looking for birds. That’s it.

You’re all invited.

MLK wrote his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” in the margins of newspaper scraps.

AW Tozer wrote the entire first draft of “The Pursuit of God” in one sitting on a train ride.

Bonhoeffer wrote “Life Together” in an underground seminary hiding from Nazis.

Mandela wrote hundreds-upon-hundreds of pages worth of published letters during his 27 years of imprisonment.

C.S. Lewis hosted a live radio broadcast during World War II that was later converted into “Mere Christianity.”

Sometimes we are afforded t…

Good morning, beloved.

Today is a great day to overcome evil with good.