
I'm in love with color and textures, which is the reason I've been a knitter and spinner for many years. Now I am really enjoying this new adventure in painting! One year in, and I keep finding new reasons to love it.

If it feels like things are breaking right now, I wrote this for you.

The Strength of Fragile Things

Tonight on the beach. 2 women making bubbles as if conjuring magic. Everyone was enchanted. One onlooker said: I needed this. One of the bubble ladies said: I think we all did.

Light bringers.

Look at this beautiful bit of wonder!!!

I think I’m already obsessed and it’s just the beginning.

Here is a tiny bit of wonder from Boulder, CO.

The Dangers of Christian Celebrity
The Day I Became a Writer Who Lost Her Words

Gentle Reminder:

On the days that feel heavier than you can bear, on the days that the light of your life feels many moons away, on the days that leave you broken, defeated, and unsure, on the days when everything there ever was feels unbearably sad, I hope you remember your voice.

I hope you uncover pockets of joy.

I hope you keep standing in a world that expects you to crumble.

I hope you don’t lose yourself in grief but instead comfort yourself through it.

You are necessary.

You are necessary.

You are necessary.

On Being Brave & Using My Real Name