Lynnwood Hage 

Retired pastry chef Lifelong artist
Sketching at a Police Helipad
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Intensely technical instruction. Clear at a very specific anatomical level. I wonder about that phrase, "color that rages" - I would love to have seen the example. We have a hundred years of leaping into wild color and strong expressive methods, and I kinda like that. So, maybe our current body of instructors and mentors would not have objected to this approach. It seems the younger the person, the more bright colors appeal to them. And, conversely, the older we get it seems that our color choi…

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"The color of the air", how poetic! We are all influenced by the light, particularly from where we grew up in the world. Also, remarkable to have cataract surgery and discover, since my doctor did one at a time with a week in-between, to blink for that week back and forth between my more sepia (warmer) past to the clearer (cooler) future. The difference between them was like a Photoshop filter. It also heightened my ability to match colors.