The light is too bright. The sound is too sharp.
The room is too full. The mask is too heavy.
Nothing is wrong. Nothing is right.
You step outside, lungs pulling in cold air like water after a drought.
Somewhere in the distance, a bird sings the same three notes over and over.
Nothing is wrong. Nothing is right.
But here, for just a moment, everything makes sense.
Happy International Women’s Day!
I’m thinking of Autistic girls and young women today, and how I can help to shape a better future for them.
What actions can I take to make the world safer, healthier and more fair for the next generation of Autistic women?
What do Autistic youth say they need? What are they asking for help with? Who can I learn from that is doing this work already?
I don’t have all the answers but I will keep asking the questions.