I would love to see Straczynski get a chance to do a new version of Babylon 5 he’s been pitching. He says it wouldn’t be a reboot, but a different version. That show was way ahead of its time and had a lot of gold in it.
Terrible PR apart I wouldn’t be surprised if Cruze crashed a lot less than human drivers. Just paying attention all the time probably avoids a huge number of crashes and the AI is always paying attention.
"Because what’s at issue here is specifically the post-1970 trend of putting regulatory shackles on the state itself. That was very clearly part of the neoliberal turn — completely aligned with the hollowing-out of state capacity that Dayen deplores."
But done by the Left.
"In Ukraine, They’re Doctors; in Britain, They’re Unemployed"
More evidence for the pipe dream that is transferable medical skills. The "not trained here" syndrome. Even with an NHS melting down, the Brits are thoroughly disinterested. US states don't even take another's certification as evidence of competency.