Justin Telles 

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In particular you point at Bernie socialists as having supposedly abandoned the liberal capitalist system, but I don’t see that at all. They’re seem to me to be broadly normie social democrats, committed to democracy, the rule of law, and for the most part property rights, but advocating for much more muscular state intervention in market failures than US Democrats have been comfortable with. But it sounds like you think the overall system does need to be abandoned. In what way? Do you support …

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Marxism has a big literature but you are basically the only one here who’s read it! You have a huge captive audience here of people who really want to find high quality leftist thinking, even if most of us are not currently leftists. Why don’t you ever write an article literally telling us something about Marxism?

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This is generally a bad take but with Trump specifically it's just absurdly mistaken. How in the world could a belief that both sides are the same survive the Trump presidency? He completely overthrew the Republican party and reshaped it in his own image! And that image is... more the same as the Democrats? Somehow? That's what you're telling me?

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So Trump didn't radically impact the makeup of the Republican party? And, in your own argument on your other poorly thought out response, also completely shift the democratic party to be completely anti-trump with no no nuance? Because if you're right about that, OR I'm right about Trump not being George Bush III, OR BOTH (which is correct) then I simply can't see how an argument that both sides are the same holds up. Both sides are radically different, not only from one another, but from themselves eight years ago.

Democrats Think Their Candidate is Running for President of Online, Again