Filipe Rafaeli 

is a communications professional, filmmaker and acrobatics pilot.

Blind, deaf and dumb. It’s what you must be to keep believing these people. Unreal. Statistics don’t lie. This ALL started in the second half of 2021, right after the rollout of the mandated gene therapy, EXCUSE ME, I meant “vaccine”…the governments don’t want you to know the truth because they and their snuggle-buddies in big pharma ar…

The list of reasons for increased sudden deaths and strokes, according to the mainstream media

Thanks for the references! And I am happy you liked this article!

Explaining the uselessness of the Covid vaccine passport in a way even idiots can understand
Explicando a inutilidade do passaporte sanitário de vacinas COVID de um jeito que até pessoas idiotas entendem
Hidroxicloroquina: os erros e delírios de Fernando Reinach em seu artigo no Estadão sobre Didier Raoult
The Vaccine Paradox
O paradoxo das vacinas

X not working in Brazil anymore, since some days. I feel censored. And there is a fine if I use it bypassing, via VPN. So, lets start again.

Os que defendem obrigatoriedade das vacinas COVID em crianças se assemelham a membros do Estado Islâmico
Our Version of a Theocratic State
COVID-19: os resultados dos médicos que fizeram tratamento precoce atormentam as consciências dos 'defensores da ciência
COVID-19: The Results of Doctors Who Administered Early Treatment Haunt the Consciences of the 'Defenders of Science'