It also depends on the passport of the ETF (each country is different) for instance I use LYNX ( International brokers platform TWS-IB ) the Belgium branch - their passports are Nederland registred. Depending on the country where you live my case BE you have to register foreign accounts with the National Bank Be - also note that you must declare your eventual dividends to the tax authority . Sometimes the ETF has no passport - you cannot buy it directly but they will allow you to buy OR sell th…
Hello Alf, mille gracie for the unbelievable valuable Information you provide to a small retail Investor, as i am. I live in Germany, and sometimes struggle to get access to the ETFs that are discussed in the macro channels. For example, the other day you mentioned a Proshares short S&P ETF, which is not accessable in the EU asfaik. What do you recommend? Get a swiss Broker Account? ;-) Or are there other options?