Damon Gang 

Your time is worth money. If I save you time then please consider supporting me with a few dollars a month. I have a wife, 5 kids, and a BA/MS in mathematics.

Day 53 of 2 years reading through the Bible (King James): Exodus Ch 24 (6 min) One advantage of using the King James Version is the words are fixed and the references are free and excellent. Blue Letter Bible lets you see how the word is used in the Bible as a word is first defined by it’s context: blueletterbible.org

Webster’s 1828 is mo…

So does anybody have some natural advice for a viral infection? (covid home test was negative)

Proverbs 25:27 It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory.

What say ye? My pharmacy texted me and wants me to know a new covid shot is available.

1619 Project First Fundamental Logical Flaw
Joe Biden’s French Foreign Relations Failure