
There have been 2 times in my life that a random stranger has stopped to pray for me. The first was in Grand Central Station in NY. An elderly woman asked if I could spare some money and I gave her a few dollars. She grabbed my hand and launched into such as a fervent prayer that I held onto her hands, closed my eyes and received it. It was about 16 years ago and I’ve never forgotten her. The 2nd was this week. I sat next to an elderly man and we said hello and then sat in silence. After about 30 minutes, he got up to leave and said, “I can see that you are a humble person. I think that you need a financial blessing. I want you to know that God is going to turn things around for you. God said that you are blessed and highly favored and don’t doubt that he is working things out on your behalf. You are about to be abundantly blessed…I will be praying for you.” I missed some of it because it was surprising and I was starting to feel emotional in a public place. Anyway, I thanked him, I received it and I am sharing because God has angels everywhere. Don’t doubt it. If you think that God has forgotten about you because the world is crazy and he is busy, know that God knows your heart and is working things out for your good. #testimony

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2:15 PM
May 12, 2024