Aliah Wing 

Central Oregon is my current homebase. Just a human existing on a rock flying through space.
 Are you f'ng kidding me?
Are you f'ng kidding me?
by JoJoFromJerz
AI Comic
AI Comic
by Oliver Markus Malloy
Ancient Beat
Ancient Beat
by James Fleischmann
AP Updates
Bad Choices Make Good Stories
Bad Choices Make Good Stories
by Oliver Markus Malloy
Dariusz Works
Dariusz Works
by Dariusz Works
everyone is entitled to my own opinion
everyone is entitled to my own opinion
by Jeff Tiedrich
Father Nathan Monk
by Father Nathan Monk
The Good in Us by Mary L. Trump
The Good in Us by Mary L. Trump
by Mary L Trump
Great Books + Great Minds
Great Books + Great Minds
by Diamond-Michael Scott
by ClaudiaLong
by David Marlow
Inspired By True Events With Adam Rockwell
Inspired By True Events With Adam Rockwell
by Adam Rockwell
Joy Is My Justice
Joy Is My Justice
by Tanmeet Sethi, MD
Let’s Not Date
Let’s Not Date
by Brooke Bader
Life's a Feast by Jamie Schler
by Jamie Schler
A look inside the mind — by Rose Tyler
A look inside the mind — by Rose Tyler
by Rose Tyler
by Oliver Markus Malloy
Mental Health Matters
Mental Health Matters
by Patrick Meowler
The Norm Rockwell Cartoon Archive
The Norm Rockwell Cartoon Archive
by Adam Rockwell
On Substack
On Substack
by Substack Writers
On The Road
On The Road
by Suzanne Heyn
Philosophy Quotes
Philosophy Quotes
by Philosophors
The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins
The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins
by Richard Dawkins
Project 2025: A Trump Dictatorship
Project 2025: A Trump Dictatorship
by Oliver Markus Malloy
Robert Reich
Robert Reich
by Robert Reich
Shame Sandwich
Shame Sandwich
by Megan Lee
Shy Guy Meets the Buddha
Shy Guy Meets the Buddha
by Don Boivin
Stoic’s Substack
Stoic’s Substack
by Stoic Teacher
Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking Glass
by Holly
The Villager
The Villager
by Tom Cox
Why I'm an Atheist
Why I'm an Atheist
by Oliver Markus Malloy
Wisdom Waves
Wisdom Waves
by Vex King
WW3: Cyberwar
WW3: Cyberwar
by Oliver Markus Malloy