I read that Sam Kriss essay you linked to, and I have to say there are times when I feel relieved to be completely out of touch with what is going on. I didn't know about any of the books he wrote about. I did know about the Rodham book, which means there is more I can do to insulate myself against the many threats to my well-being. I also understand even better now why no one wants to publish my novel about cannibals who never go online. I should have written about cannibals who go online.
I th…
The first half of my horror novel (44k words!) is fit to be seen and with some beta readers now. And while I know such writing updates can be tiresome, since this ↓ was the year in which this new draft was written, I’m really, truly happy. Enough so to blab, apparently
Katy, I have just finished reading this piece in my bedroom in my nonno’s apartment in Italy— a space that I haven’t returned to in 17 years.
My mom actually painted over the blue walls a yellow much like this in anticipation of my arrival, and I feel like a baby in a nursery. Previously, this apartment was a run-down ochre colour which had aged terribly, to which she painted white. But this specific, nostalgic yellow is an expression of how my mom thinks I’m a happy and joyous person!
I’m in thi…
When you like someone, the goal is to try to find out more about them while also trying to show yourself to them.
The goal is not to try to be what you think they want you to be. It's to be yourself. And to see if there's a good match between your authentic selves.
This scares a lot of people because we think it reduces our chances of being chosen by the person we are into. In fact, it's the only way to be chosen. Hiding who we are and being desired in a performance does not build secure attachme…