Dr Milan Milanović 

I'm a CTO writing for a 350k+ community to share my experiences and explore my curiosity. I have more than 20 years of industry experience and a strong scientific background (Ph.D. in Computer Sciences).

AI Engineering Landscape

Check this stack of technologies used in AI space.

The repo was updated a few days ago but missed some existing tools and apps.

Created by Marie-Alice Blete on GitHub: t.co/Pkip55DmQj

Our life is not only our work

I saw much prioritization of work and only work, especially among top performers. While this sometimes led to better career paths, it was much more directed to burnout and other not-so-nice stuff. Even if you like your work very much, people are complex and social creatures who can work and do nothing else.


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Don't worry. There will be a place for everyone.

Learn AI and use it as your leverage to improve your work.