If you experienced pain, you may grow cautious

If you experienced sadness, you may yearn for comfort

If you experienced happiness, you may become generous

If you experienced adventures, you may be addicted to the thrill

If you experienced love, you may cherish it deeply

If you experienced failure, you may redefine your approach

If you experienced growth, you may hunger for the next level

But if you experienced nothing, there’s only emptiness

You’re simply existing, not truly living.

Life’s richness is woven through experiences,

Each one a thread that shapes your journey.

Don’t shy away from pain,

It builds resilience.

Don’t cling too tightly to happiness,

Let it inspire new joys.

Dive into every adventure, every emotion,

For it’s in the full spectrum of experiences,

That life finds its true meaning.

1 Restack
7:31 AM
Aug 26, 2024