
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the UK countryside is teeming with interdimensional portals. All you have to do is look hard enough for them. tomcox.substack.com/p/a…

“My words will either attract a strong mind or offend a weak one.”

- Anne Sexton

Just got a speeding ticket with this view

Right, we’re into the New Year now and it’s time to get going. Or stay inside of it’s icy where you are. It’s icy here and after nipping out to feed the birds - that was a chilly experience I can tell you - I’m back inside, leafing through the seed and summer bulb catalogues, writing to you, and making plans.

Spring seems far away but,…

A garden design how-to

The subscription model is better for writers than making money from advertisers—especially because advertisers are often batshit crazy.

