I followed the timeline of events described therein with great fervor, as it unfolded in real time. It’s an accurate accounting of numbers, places, times and people. It’s also very well-researched and documented. Before Brandon got inaugurated, i would have agreed with just about everything this account puts forward.
However, since Brandon was installed, i realized that the whole of government is a uniparty masquerading as a two-party paradigm giving all but the most discerning of us a well-constructed illusion of choice. I now believe, fully, that Trump was always in on the show. And that’s what it was, a political theater, elaborate to be sure. I will concede that perhaps there is some globalist infighting, but even that is explained once one understands the black and white paradigm held by our luciferian overlords. This manifests for the common folk as a two-party system, but it’s all headed the same direction - global control. I might be convinced (again) at some later date that Trump was an outsider, and IF i were to accept that at face value, it wasn’t long before he “got the call” to play right or else. As of right now, i’m gonna maintain my stance that he was in on the show before it went live.