Rebecca Johnson 

What Both Sides Can Agree On

About 30% of women believe in astrology, a figure nearly double that of men. Also, 41% of men consider being into astrology as a "red flag" in a partner. So, belief in astrology is neither rare nor inconsequential!

But does astrology actually work? No.

Does Astrology Work? We Put 152 Astrologers to the Test

There is clearly no validity to astrology, as anyone with common sense knows without any studies. However, I believe that such practices including astrology, tarot, tea leaves, psychics, fortune cookies, etc do serve a useful purpose; they help people get more in touch with their own intuition. If a tarot card tells you you recently made a questionable decision in your personal life, the card has no way of knowing this, but it will make you rethink some decision you may have made nonetheless, a…

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