There have been times in my life where I have been slightly embarrassed to admit that I am a graphologist. That just goes with the territory I’m afraid – Graphology isn’t a very usual vocation.
But then on TV I saw a lovely looking young woman who said I am a mum - and get this - a camel racer.
And then there was a colourful video showing her on a camel racing barefoot in a competition against a group of other camel riders.
Now there’s a pretty wide space between Graphology and camel racing I’m…
While each and every one of us has a spark of creativity within us – if we want to fan the spark into a flame we have to be bold and courageous.We have to be free-spirited and unafraid to break the mould. Because real creativity is for the brave of heart. It is for those who can grasp and hold the challenge without weakening.
There are times when all the world seems to weigh heavily on us and everything seems hopeless; when the fire of our creativity dies down and we feel low and bereft of inspiration.
But there is always that one ember.
If there is just a slight residue of our former inspiration – if there is but the slightest hint of hope we can fan that ember into life.
And wisdom is a butterfly And not a gloomy bird of prey.
A brief but meaningful quote from Yeats
I had studied some of Yeat’s poems at school though at the time their deeper meaning escaped me. But now on reading these few words something immediately resonated with me.
I had always been on a quest for a deeper understanding and application of graphology because I had never felt that graphology should be practiced from a shallow base.
Which is why those brief lines from Yeats spoke so loudly to me.…
About Paywalls
There are so many excellent articles behind paywallls that I would love to read but I simply can’t afford to subscribe to each and every one of them So I don’t subscribe and “boing” the writer has lost another potential customer.
Readers can’t pay for every subscription that they see. Their choices are limited to at best a handful of newsletters that appeal to them. The others are lost to them forever.
Which is why I make all my posts free. Permanently free with no plans to put t…