Digging a role in the life of a biosphere sabotaged into the mycorrhizal bent on symbiosis. Digging a role in lifes biosphere sabotaged into the mycorrhizal symbiosis bent on guarding my rhizoshere from destruction...You decide how its to be.
National Forest Warns Of Spike Strips And Wires Across Trails In Oregon.
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Let me put it as simply as I can: the decision to invade Lebanon is going to prove the deadliest and costliest mistake in Israel's history - worse even than the genocide, which will not be forgotten, despite the best efforts of Western Zionism.

All the braggadocio is going to meet reality shortly. IDF soldiers and commanders will pay a heavy price and Netanyahu will panic, as he always does. Consequently, he will only get Israel in more trouble, trying to escape his and Israel's assured defeat.
