tien anh 

eager to learn anything new about the world & challenge any old perceptions (including my own pov)
no child deserves to be an influencer
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mình nghĩ là nó xuất phát từ các group bà mẹ bỉm sữa trên facebook rồi mn thấy vui nên gọi nhau vậy thôi :)))))))) nó cũng có thời của nó, như là hồi trước mọi người hay gọi là chế, bác, hay là bảnh ấy

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Yeah, ironically, it's patriotism turning into extreme nationalism that inspired me to write this post, not cancel culture.

Negativity seems to be more favoured than positivity because when you see a post that you don't agree with, your brain goes, "I must comment to tell this person how dumb their opinions are"; posts that you agree with don't trigger this action. Thus, posts that make you feel highly arousal emotions, like angry or anxious, are those that tend to get more comments, and therefo…