Allan Jensen 

The Purpose of Persuasion
Extraterrestrial Governance

You can’t judge people only by how they treat you. The true test of character is how they treat those they don't like or need.

Even if someone is kind to you, proceed with caution if they’re consistently unkind to others.

Selective civility is a sign of deep-seated hostility.

Wokeness Poisons Science
Why I Am No Longer Woke
Not knowing your Candidates until the Convention is Positively American
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We've got Joe Biden and Kamala Harris now among other strong Dem leaders...both "embody the principles of moral conviction that built this country." So did Obama. You must mean: why can't Republicans produce these kinds of leaders.

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There's a lot of truth in that. Wokism gets on my nerves too, the constant hypersensitive being offended combined with mercilessness towards those who think differently and censorship. In theory, it's probably logical. But what does that mean in concrete terms? Will Americans only vote for a Democratic president if he lies, cheats, is brutal and inhuman, just like Trump? Should the Democrats adapt and throw all human and cultural decency overboard? That can't be the solution!

This sums it up