Emily Borowski 

Grateful to have had fantastic and inspirational history teachers. I have spent most of my career in the not for profit financial services sector and its field of compliance found and captured me in 2005.

Just read this post on FB and also Rebecca Solnit’s comment (she is another hero of mine). Thanks HCR: you have been a quiet but driving voice of sense and context in the middle of this insane hellscape. I very much hope you are right and those of us who are doing our best to prevent the destruction of ourselves, our families, and our ethical sensibilities are going to prevail. But this is a real nail biter. And we are heavily dependent on people taking that final step, doing the right thing, and voting for freedom for all. Fingers crossed!!

U.S. Falls Out of Top 20 Happiest Countries for the First Time Ever & Candace Owens is Bad for Humanity
GOP Tries to Keep Abortion Rights Off the Ballot & The Divorce Rate for Couples Over 65 Has Tripled!
Me, The Manhattan Transfer, and My Broken Hip
Replying to

I'll exploit the position of my comment here to underscore this craving we have for straight accounts of events, how tired we are of news contrived to garner attention, sell sensationalized versions of "news". I was a courtroom illustrator for years, witnessed actual trial events then read subsequent media spins -- often sensationalized and distorted intending to grab a viewer's/reader's attention. We can only hope HCR's "letters" serve to uplift all journalism, or inform the broader population of this need of quality reporting.