Cody Rohan 

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You're welcome. I always felt like I was just getting a piece of how depositors worked. This started off as a labor to understand them and turned into an article. Everything I read, never gave a clue where to start in creating a chain. Finally it hit me, just start with each placement. I didn't put it in the article, but I think the "tree" came from handwriting it out before we had computers or typed out our information. I can't verify this, but it is my hunch based on that you wouldn't want to write all over the chart itself.

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Thanks for this explanation. It's one aspect of astrology that has always escaped my understanding.

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You are so welcome Cody!

Uncommon advice:

If you don't know what to pursue in life right now. Pursue yourself.

Pursue becoming the healthiest, happiest, most healed, most present, most confident version of yourself.

Then the right path will reveal itself.

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Thank you Theresa! 💖🙏🏼

Smartest Man in World Warns "America Under Enemy Occupation"

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Rainbow Warriors of the New Earth, introduce yourself. I look forward to meeting you! 💖🙏🥰