Nick Perri 

Small business owner; MA in I/O Psychology from Elmhurst University; Pro-democracy Warrior; Firearm owner; Black Belt; Fitness expert; Boyfriend; Step-dad; Fur-dad; Lover of The Bulwark; Hater of the rapey, traitorous felon and anything MAGA related.

Schumer postponed his book tour. Big surprise… One thing Donald Trump and Chuck Schumer have in common is that they are both fucking cowards.

American exceptionalism is officially a myth. Our democratic republic is on the verge of collapse because millions of people have abdicated their responsibility to be informed. Because many of our representatives have abdicated their responsibility to protect the people and the constitution. And because the leaders of our institutions in business, information dissemination, law, and education are broken and weak. Just like the narcissistic piece of shit in the oval office… We have to empower the right people to take our country back or do it ourselves.

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We protect truthful, risky speech because tyranny is born of lies.

~ Timothy Snyder, On Freedom