
part time writer.full time mad women
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how i look at my phone when someone comments on my writing (thank you so much)


me writing on substack with no audience or care in the world


This is me when I post one of my favorite Substack articles I’ve ever written and it gets no views btw

Deserve a note of its own


8 people liked my note i’m basically famous bc that’s proportional to like 2k likes on insta

To drown or to let go

A snippet from my next post :

Am perfect but am not the one

I can't forgive you for not wanting me enough

For making me feel like being mine

Is the worse thing you can become

Because I love good I love great ..

Yes am the target audience of my writing y'all just happened to be here

waiting room

School is killing my art and not allowing me to attend its funeral fr fr (exams week )wish me luck and I'll wish u well


I don’t need to be super famous on here, I just want to feel like I’m reaching someone with my words