
Harj from Birmingham, UK Father of two Interests: Austrian economics, libertarianism I like reading Rothbard, Mises, and Caplan I'm always looking for new friends and collaborators, so feel free to reach out

Title: UK Conservatives on the Brink of Choosing a New Leader

As the UK Conservative Party prepares to select a new leader following Rishi Sunak’s departure, the party stands at a crossroads. The debate is centered on whether to continue with a big-state approach or to embrace the principles of smaller government and greater individual freedom.

One Nation conservatism, prominently advocated by Boris Johnson, leans towards a more interventionist government. This approach often risks sliding into s…

UK Conservatives on the Brink of Choosing a New Leader

As the UK Conservative Party prepares to select a new leader following Rishi Sunak’s departure, the party stands at a crossroads. The debate is centered on whether to continue with a big-state approach or to embrace the principles of smaller government and greater individual freedom.

One Nation conservatism, prominently advocated by Boris Johnson, leans towards a more interventionist government. This approach often risks sliding into socialis…