
The app for independent voices

We’re trying the video thing with the bonus episode this week… let’s see how fast I regret that.

Bonus: Joe Biden and the freemasons

Today. After 20 years, I completed an examination of conscience, made a full confession, and re-entered the Catholic faith. Reflecting on 20 years worth of sin and wrongdoing in the eyes of the church was difficult, but also a gift to realize how much I have to be grateful for. I now believe we all have more people who want the best for us rather than the worst. Letting go and being absolved of 20 years of sin with extremely little penance asked in return was extremely humbling.

I’m not here to…

Hello, I’m Donald Paul. I am husband, father, and former-seminarian who is obsessed with Catholic theology. On my substack In Defense of Theology you will find:

  • Faithful discussions on Catholic theology

  • Reflections to become a smarter Catholic

  • Really cool Catholic books you need to read

If you love Catholic theology and want to learn together, I’d love to connect!

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Jorge our brother, ‘don’t overthink it’, and ASMRWTF

I’m so very sorry for the delay in publishing. It’s horribly difficult to write when you’re dealing with significant burn out. I’ve been barely able to string two thoughts together lately, and it’s been easier to chip away at things sentence by sentence even if it takes a long time. We should be up tomorrow.

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Today I start using Substack

I used to like Twitter but always felt very constrained by the 144 limit

This brought problems for the irony-challenged, who misunderstood a lot of what I was trying to say

This is a particular problem for me because I seem to be regarded as ‘on the left’ by people on the right, and' ‘on the right’ by people on the left

Apparently this makes me controversial, and therefore box office poison

Would You Stop Eating Because You’re Too Busy?

Of course not! Yet, how often do we treat prayer like an optional extra rather than the nourishment our souls desperately need?

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Skipping a long note / article — today is a day for simple and pure I LOVE YOUs !!!

Be the sunshine for yourself and others ❣️or a tiny speck of twinkle that just simple put a shine in the world


Quick card pull with Melo: 9 of Cups

Writers! Today’s card is giving “mission accomplished” energy. Nine cups, nine completed drafts. Nine moments of “I actually wrote that.”

But here’s the real magic: Melo put on my glasses to make sure you don’t miss the moon in this card. See it up there? It’s not just decoration. It’s reminding us that

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Journaling with the Moon: Full Moon in Leo

Love living in Tucson in February. Outside reading my book, in short sleeves, listening to the birds.

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“We don’t want to overpromise and underdeliver.”

This was my first corporate boss’ advice to me so I wouldn’t say yes to every project request that came in.

At the time, it felt like great advice, and I did think twice before taking everything on. 

But today? That advice has kept me playing small.

In my own business, this has led me to price low and make most things free, all out of fear that I could promise a lot, charge too much, and have people think I underdelivered. 

But the reality is that I’m…

I read a post today about a lucky dad who said his daughter thinks she’s being rebellious by reading under her covers past bedtime.

Then said he wondered if she realized how the batteries never died in her flashlight.

And it’s this kind of ordinary hero stuff parents do that melts my heart and makes me want to hug strangers.

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I heard someone compare Trump’s mass firings to him being a bull in a china shop. I disagree.

Trump is a like a bull in a VA hospital.

Trump is like a bull in an assisted living facility.

Trump is like a bull in an Alzheimer’s research center.

Trump is like a bull in a NICU.

A bull in a china shop breaks things.

Trump is breaking . . . people.

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What if I told you prayer doesn't require a quiet room and an hour of free time?

God is present in every moment of your day.

When you start seeing daily tasks as opportunities for prayer, your whole day becomes a conversation with Him—from blessing sandwiches as you make them and shirts as you fold them to thanking Him for shining stars, clean sheets, and hot showers.

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

I have one Bible passage in my office and it’s the one I felt the Lord show me when I became a Superintendent of Schools. From today’s Mass readings, 1 Peter 5:2:

Tend to the flock of God in your midst, overseeing not be constraint but willingly, as God would have it, not for shameful profit but eagerly.”

Another translation puts it this way,

God’s flock is in your midst. Give it a shepherd’s care.

Animal Training
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Jan 20
3:12 PM
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Are you interesting in producing your own food and living off the land.

Check out my Substack, where I write about just that!

Here’s an article I wrote a few weeks ago!

If you like it, subscribe so you learn more!

A Manifesto for The Modern Hunter Gatherer

There is a time and a place on the lake where everything stops. It only happens a few times each summer, when the days simmer and linger longer than they have any right to.

The sun sinks low, fleeing in guilt after burning the North Country all day long. The wind dies suddenly, stopped in its tracks by weather, water, or happenstance.


One of my favorite catches of all time, a wild lake caught coho salmon from Northern Michigan.

If you want to learn more about producing your own wild food, take a look at my substack!

Nothing can be more useful to a man than a determination not to be hurried.

-David Henry Thoreau

(photo of my cinnamon rolls unrelated)

I liked Trump.

There are certain things about in, like his foreign policy or takes on immigration that I can get behind.

But I didn’t vote for him because of his stance on the environment.

Now, I see that he is trying to destroy public lands forever.

This cannot and will not be allowed to stand!