Where all this ends is with a Chinese takeover of Taiwan, whether militarily or through negotiations. If a major war breaks out in the Middle East which ties down US forces, expect the next Primal Horde move to be a massive artillery attack by North Korea on South Korea. This will force any reserve forces from the US, and perhaps even Japan to rush to put out that fire. The resulting force vacuum will allow China to issue an ultimatum to Taiwan: immediately surrender your military forces and avoid the fate of Ukrainians, Israelis, and South Koreans or fight all by yourself and lose. The geopolitical bank run on US security commitments will be in full effect. Taiwan doesn’t even have an official agreement with the US for military protection. But the US desperately needs to keep high-end production of microchips out of Communist Chinese hands. If the Primal Horde act in concert, we will soon approach a point where the US and her Collective West proxies will be out of options and face a devastating defeat.