F Pordes 

BS, MS bio Stanford
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The AGW theory is so outrageous that it boggles the mind that anyone believes it. But they do which is a measure of the power of propaganda and why no nation can allow the mass media to be controlled by governments and large private corporations. Climate change is of course real and has been ongoing for over 4.5 billion years. Most people don't know that we are currently in a glacial period called Pleistocene glaciation with ice sheets covering both the north and south poles. These ice sheets w…


The Will of the Holy Spirit (ECK) will Prevail as sees fit - Truth will manifest always - May the Blessings BE!!


My mind just got blown up tonight when i first heard about this on the lindell report. I hope and pray to God the supreme court hears the case and all are found guilty. and kicked out of office. Thank you all for your countless hours of hard work to save our country.

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"A good thing needs no propaganda"

In the same way that a "deadly Pandemic virus" doesn't need billions of dollars/pounds/euros to convince the population that a "deadly Pandemic" is occurring.

Two sides of the same coin.

Being told you can't go to restaurants or bars or get on a train or an aeroplane or even travel to a country because you haven't been vaxxed - because the vaxx is 100% safe and effective and stops transmission and infection but the filthy unvaccinated are a threat to us and you s…

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confiscate all their possessions. You will own nothing and be happy starts with those that own most ! If you take away the 20 year old car from people who are too poor to afford an own trailer house, you won't get far! But if we can confiscate the 1 % on top the 99 % will have enough to live on.


it is always a bad way of making up your mind hearing just one side of the story. If you need to suppress the dissenting voices, you are on the wrong track. The moment someone disagrees, it has to be carefully examined. If something is propagated as strongly as the jabs, there is something wrong. A good thing needs no propaganda, it will sell itself. If it needs advertisements that bad, leave it be. Only bad things need propaganda. All the rest will find its way.


I took a big risk and contacted all family members with anyone under fifty and asked them to stop taking the covid shots due to risk of myocarditis, serious illness, death. I felt I could no longer sit on the fence. I then told them how important they all are to me, wished them a Happy Thanksgiving and wished them well. That is as much as we can do. They know deep down something isn’t right.

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With what I've learned about Orthodox Medicine and Big Pharma over the last nearly 3 years, I will never darken a doctor's doors again, if I can by any means avoid it. There are chiropractors, naturopaths and homeopathy... Why not check out one of those instead?

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Using an analogy of Catholics praying to God in the language used since the 4th century is a gross comparison for spewing the ever changing, ever radicalized bullshit that CRT and other "anti-racism" cults espouse. And PS.....if you attend a Latin mass, you know what is being said. Otherwise, it's in the home country's language.

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The author of the letter is clearly an “elite” who has had enough of the CRT BS. Bravo to his courage and conviction to disenroll his daughter from the indoctrination camp pretending to be a school. The war is not lost - we must all resist, fight back, contribute in whatever way we can to defeating CRT.

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I think we understand the application of critical race theory very well. It is a tool for powershifting and is based on the tried and true zero-sum-game. Its purpose is wealth redistribution. One can discuss that issue and its appropriateness very well without creating new myths concerning human behavior. An excellent example of sophistry is contained in Exterminate the Brutes on HBO. It is true in so many respects and yet it practices its own form of sophistry. It is true that "we know" …