Saying it’s the whim of the owners makes it sound like they all know how to run a welfare-enhancing business and how to run a harmful one, and they choose which to do. I think it’s much more up to the *vagaries* of whether the ideas the owner has about how to run a business are in fact good for people or in fact bad for them, rather than whims about whether they want to treat people well or poorly.
>Historically anyone could run
No, presidential primaries only became widespread in the 70s
>Can you point to me where that is occurring?
Trump, Sanders in 2016. Mark Robinson in North Carolina. Lauren Boebert's entire political career- she's a high school dropout who worked at McDonald's. A functioning political party would have told Boebert 'no thank you, we're not interested in your candidacy for our office, go away'. Josh Mandel. Joe Kent. Ilhan Omar. Herschel Walker. The Oz guy (too lazy to l…