Tip of the Day: Try to complain less. You could try to fast from complaining completely, but it might be more difficult than fasting from food. When I talk about “complaining” I don’t just mean spoken or written complaints, but complaining thoughts also.

If you are focused on complaining, your brain is constantly on the lookout for more things to complain about. Because of that, your perception of life gets worse. That’s because your brain is always looking for ways to prove your beliefs (ex. that life has much to complain about) are correct.

If you’re focused on positive aspects, looking for things you appreciate, your brain starts looking for those and you see more good things. More good things will seem to start happening for you. It’s really that you didn’t really appreciate those good things, even though they were always there, because of the blinders that complaining puts on you.

A little fasting always makes you realize how often you eat. Fasting from complaints will really put a spotlight on how much you do in a day.

May 9, 2023
11:44 AM