I appreciate your measured response, Claude. As I noted in my original comment, I have been subjected to online harassment based on my ethnicity, being called “the Jewess” in vitriolic diatribes and repeatedly attacked for merely mentioning the Holocaust. Even if that weren’t the case, though, fostering a victim mentality and a culture of coddling does the very people you are trying to help a tremendous disservice, as

documents in The Coddling of the American Mind.

If, instead of viewing themselves as victims, they adopted a mindset of resilience and triumph over adversity, they would feel empowered and confident rather than fragile and frightened. Recalibrating one’s mindset is the ultimate victory and enables them to walk over coals without feeling the heat.

Authorities, however, want us to think of ourselves as victims, because then we turn to them for solutions instead of resolving our problems ourselves—like asking them to censor content rather than taking responsibility for cultivating our own online experience.

Apr 24, 2023
6:07 PM