John McIntire 

Ex-ICRISAT,ILCA,WB. LA, Berkeley, Medford,Bamako, Segou, Waga, Niamey, Addis, Bethesda, el DF, Dhaka,Abidjan, Dakar,Dar, Rome, Santa Barbara, u.s.w;

NB: (1) Universities have lawyers who can negotiate with donors to re-allocate money within the agreements (the table alone of "Largest NIH grant recipients ~ $ 6.6 B in total) -> some money can be reallocated legally; (2) the variance in overhead %ages among universities (and the positive correlation between endowment size and endowment…

No, University Endowments Can’t Replace Federal Science Funding

The British upper classes have endured for centuries because the bullshit rolls off their plump lips with no effort at all.

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The Admiral feigns nobility.

Tell him to give Bezos’ $50 million to pay the school debts of the scientists whose careers were stolen by the regime.