D Alexander 

Retired but essential.

Thanks to Misti Little for restacking this. I’ve always been mostly a tree guy but prairies are fascinating. This Botanist’s story reminds me of my own, in some ways, personal history. After graduating with a BS in Biology and landing a job in Dallas with an environmental science company, I went to the UT-Dallas bookstore and bought Core…

Confession of a Botanical Thief

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, and they won’t get better easily, or quietly. But we can’t get through this unless we’re able to fix our minds on the truth, and right now the pillar of democracy built to do exactly that has collapsed, so we’re going to have to do it ourselves.

This is a coup.

The Fourth Estate Has Fallen

Trump is taking credit for the ceasefire as if he’s already president. To be fair, millions of Americans have been drinking as if he’s already president.

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