Patrick Kim 

I'm a writer and Targeted Individual publishing to shed light on neurological targeting. The biggest yet least understood threat to freedom, this blind spot will only get worse the longer it is ignored.
Anonymous Chinese Programmer Donates and Burns $7M in Etherium Cryptocurrency, Warns of ‘Brain-Computer Weapons’. Talks About Computer Brain Chips That Control People As Slaves

While long-winded, this is an important statement about the total lack of (and contempt for) consent involved with the targeting program’s illegal appropriation of my life for its own social engineering and brain-computer interface experimentation purposes.

There’s no doubt that the targeting program was always well-aware of the fact that…

Stumbled on some interesting language from resources used in an FCC filing.

“Subvocalized thoughts” is a great way to describe some of the write functions of Remote Neural Monitoring, where the words inserted are disguised as your own internal thoughts (that are not overtly beamed in as something you are hearing). They certainly do “enter…

Jesse Beltran: Implants and Directed Energy Weapons
Empirical 30-day Data Proving Targeting on a Daily Basis

I counted minimally 25 out of ~150 listed signs that you are a Targeted Individual.

You are a Targeted Individual if…
A Whole Lot Was Going on with Dr. Charles Lieber
Thank You Gangstalkers: Every Time You Use RNM to Stalk Me, You're Proving Victims of Voice-to-Skull Right

How do we know that this is for the MIND CONTROL applications discussed in countless defense research papers (“modulate neuronal activity”)?

People’s bodies are emitting frequencies and the vaccinated are emitting MAC addresses. Dr. Ana Mihalcea and others have found mesogen microchip assembly (nanorouters and flower-like nanoantennas) i…

Bombshell Study Reveals SELF-ASSEMBLING ARTIFICIAL CONSTRUCTIONS in mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna