I appreciate that and look forward to reading it. My comment is more inspired by this Dec. 6 post about the primal fear of needles having evolutionary advantage. That idea connects to a whole rabbit hole regarding people who have what seems to be a very primal fear of needles that is categorically distinguishable from other phobias. I su…

“Could that Primal Fear of Needles be a Self-Preservation Instinct?”

Thank you for your insightful post! I am ordering your book, and since I haven't read it yet, I'm not sure if you do a deep dive into the world of needlephobia, but as one of an estimated 20%+ of people with a lifelong struggle with it, it is worth more nuanced exploration.

(If you don't want to read my long comment, I hope you will at le…

“Could that Primal Fear of Needles be a Self-Preservation Instinct?”