Margaret Napier 


The biggest scam in life:

Paying taxes on the money you make.

Paying taxes on the money you spend.

And paying taxes on things you own that you already paid taxes on with already taxed money.


Kansas - in conjunction of 5 other states - is suing Pfizer for Veterinarian CEO Bourla’s boldface lying about the COVID-19 injection’s safety & effectiveness with regard to mass miscarriages, myocarditis & pericarditis, death, along with beefy claims that it would stop transmission when they never even tested for it.

Almost no one outsid…

Palisades Fire is NOT Natural

Baking Soda. I use it daily. I put it in distilled water and mineral water.

Peace and Love to all those here.

FBI Director Wray Resigned the Day Before the Inspector General Report Revealed J6 Was Crawling with FBI Operatives

Facebook post:

Ask your pediatrician these vaccine questions. (I shared this list in 2016 they're much worse now).

1, What are 10 ingredients in vaccines other than the viruses themselves?

(Aborted fetal tissue, polysorbate 80, MSG, aluminum, formaldehyde, bovine cells, thimerasol, canine cells, lactose, Phenoxyethanol)


This clip is 2 minutes long.

If you watch nothing else today, or even this year, watch this ! Then share it because every human being who gets this will probably stay alive this year.

Lee Merrit explains how their entire world is collapsing because of Nicotine.


Do you agree with Mel Gibson?