
each artwork created

every poem written

is one life force and world on its own,

it impacts, breathes, speaks up

and moves beyond the creators control


Plants have long seasons of rest, so we should too.

recent Pinterest saves and inspo

runner's diary #3: lessons on consistency

Lately, I have been focused on impressing myself, and I must say, i’m pretty cool. I’m happy to be at this point where I can celebrate myself more easily because it’s what I deserve.


brb creating a life that my soul recognizes

Upcoming post on maintaining consistency and flow in running between races. I started sharing my runs on Instagram and discovered the importance and power of showing up.

check it out.…

2024: the year of silent transformation, grief, and rest

Big lesson I learned last year: If I'm attached to the outcome, I'm not coming from enoughness. I'm hoping that the outcome will make me enough. I know I'm coming from enoughness when I'm doing what brings me joy and I'm able to surrender to whatever wants to unfold as a result.


Growth is what is seen above ground — the landscape that is you. Transformation is what is happening below ground — the soil, the roots and the seeds; what is happening within you…

I’m currently working on my New Year, post-’24 retrospective and thought to bring this back as it captures my mood coming into 2025. There has been growth, and i’m grateful but oh the grief!

new post on Monday.

an ode to 2023.