
Cat lover, disabled, artist, musician, advocate for wildlife, trees, native habitat restoration and all things forgotten.

-The GOP only accepts the election results when they win.

-The GOP only accepts court rulings if in their favor.

-The GOP only protects speech they agree with.

-The GOP is a cancer to our democratic Republic.


Dear Democratic lawmakers, now would be a good time to organize something in opposition to this chilling takeover.

Just a thought

Where is our candidate for President in the Democratic party? The race starts NOW. Plan for impeachment.

Plan for spring, provide homes and plants for birds and wildlife. A joy to watch when the rest of the world is so dark. This bluebird family all fledged safely and hopefully will return.


How many hearts and re-stacks can I get before that orange dick-with-ears takes office?


We now know UnitedHealth—under Brian Thompson—illegally overcharged cancer patients for meds by more than 1000%.

What we don't yet know is how many cancer patients died or were financially ruined as a result?

What we demand to know is why that act isn't deemed corporate murder & where are the arrests?

EDIT: Full receipts in my post today…

A lot has happened in the past few days. Don't be afraid.
Replying to

They've won everything, so why are they STILL so angry and defensive?

You would be too, in their position.

Imagine how pathetic you'd have to be to see Trump....who's been handed everything he's ever had, this boastful, and simultaneously, whiny, self proclaimed victim who claims everything is rigged against some kind of hero.

The hero of the working class, who’s never done a real day’s work, never had dirt under his fingernails or even changed a tire. Doesn't even like dogs!

The self pro…

Constitutional Law expert: Trump will be an “illegitimate” President given he's barred from office by 14th Amendment
Vegas bombing was an act of “MAGA Terrorism”—why won’t media call it that?!