Computer geek, retired, not an economist at all. Not a Libertarian (Republican who smokes dope) unlike so many of my fellow geeks.

Marvelous! I have been a fan of Vespucci for some years since I learned something of his life beyond the grade-school slander about how the naming of America was a nasty mistake.

I wish my grandfather, Catalan by birth, had known of Amerigo's origins.

BTW there is a small plaque commemorating Vespucci on the beach as Arraial do Cabo, a res…

Although Prof. Snyder's exposition makes the matter abundantly clear, we can cast further light by looking into the Classics.

In this case Koko, Pitti-Sing and Poohbah are anxious to avoid a pot of boiling oil:

The Mikado. ... Unfortunately, the fool of an Act says "compassing the death of the Heir Apparent." There's not a word about a mis…

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(Sorry about the double comments, but I find it too hard to scroll back & forth between comment space and OP space)

Not to forget that it all comes down to distribution. In the early days of comments on automation (1950s) there was talk of how people would spend all the leisure time that would result! I remember an Edward R Murrow show th…

Reading, Watching 06.11