I like this collection of ideas and especially, "More simple truths spoken plainly, less academic jargon." I think messaging is critical, especially with the misinformation challenge. Another thing I would add to the communication piece is more theatrical events. Chuck Schumer reading from a piece of paper with his head down is like watching paint dry. Leaders need to get creative so things organically go viral. I was stunned to read recently that reps STILL do not understand the power of the d…
I grew up in Germany (West Germany, that is, in the seventies). I went to school there. You have no idea how much 'splainin' and warning about 'heeding the signs' we got. Nobody explains to the Germans what the 'appropriate attitude towards the Nazis' is. Unless you're a Nazi denier. All I have to say is: "How DARE he? How dare he? The Americans came to Germany to de-nazify the country. Apparently now the Americans are back re-nazifying it.
"I have yet to hear a Jew or Israeli vow to wipe Islam from the face of the earth."
Lady, you really know nothing about Israel or its constituent politics. There are tons of Israelis who are extremist lunatics who want to kill all the Muslims! 10% of the country thinks Baruch Goldstein is a national hero! jpost.com/israel-news/a…