I remember when I thought 40 was old, lol! And some people are old and debilitated in their 40s and 50s, while others are active and healthy into their 10th decade. A woman in my building will be 104 this summer. She's out and about, swimming in the mornings, and engaged every day in an active social life. Old really is a relative thing. I started running marathons in my 70s. So yeah, maybe at 68 he was old and in ill health, but if that were the case, why is the cause of death a "sudden and unexpected heart attack"? That suggests his health was good.
I'm well into my 80th year and healthy, taking no medications. If I were to die suddenly and unexpectedly, I would expect family and friends to ask questions. Not that it's likely to happen though, as I have not succumbed to the insane pressure to allow myself to be injected with an inadequately tested novel mRNA gene treatment for an illness less severe than the seasonal flu.