Josie Lopez 

A middle aged, anxiety filled independent voter who is sad to watch her country slide into socialism at a galloping clip.
If our choice is Biden v Trump, I will be voting for Donald Trump
Germany has turned against the Covid jabs
The Pfizer board has lawyered up
Yes, I meant Sars-Cov-2 in the prior email!
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I have never believed the mandates or vaccine passports were about public health it was always about implementing a digital ID and digital currency. And that is still the goal. Those two things must never be allowed to happen.

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"GMO injection" I found it excruciatingly ironic that many countries that outlaw GMO foods, for fear of what unknown dangers might be introduced to food by genetic modification, very enthusiastically required their citizens to become GMOs themselves!

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I remember when I thought 40 was old, lol! And some people are old and debilitated in their 40s and 50s, while others are active and healthy into their 10th decade. A woman in my building will be 104 this summer. She's out and about, swimming in the mornings, and engaged every day in an active social life. Old really is a relative thing. I started running marathons in my 70s. So yeah, maybe at 68 he was old and in ill health, but if that were the case, why is the cause of death a "sudden and unexpected heart attack"? That suggests his health was good.

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In other "conspiracy" questions, are birthrates still down, or did they start to recover to baseline?

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I'm well into my 80th year and healthy, taking no medications. If I were to die suddenly and unexpectedly, I would expect family and friends to ask questions. Not that it's likely to happen though, as I have not succumbed to the insane pressure to allow myself to be injected with an inadequately tested novel mRNA gene treatment for an illness less severe than the seasonal flu.

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Use this lesson to teach your daughter to have a back bone. To stand strong for what she knows to be good for her and always explore all her options. More often then not, the difficult road is the best choice. The shots are poison.