I heard the same from someone else in the admin, I think it was the White House Spokesperson, but it may of been Sec of State or another, someone who was a recent guest on the Clay and Buck show. I fail to see how stating the obvious, hell it has been obvious for a couple of years now, is an issue. It has been reported that Putin offered a deal early on in the war but that then British PM Boris Johnson scuttled the deal. It seems to me that Russia has long been open to an end to the war but too…
I don’t “like” this post in the sense that I don’t approve AT ALL what this crazed person did. But even Jesus asked His Father to forgive them for they knew not what they did. I’m sure this “asylum seeker” did know what he was doing but he still needs to have the ability to decide where he spends eternity - Paradise or Hell (and I mean the One True God’s Paradise,not the fake god Allah, the one that the thief on the cross was going to in light of his defense of Jesus.)