Barbara Didrichsen 

Inspired at a time of national cynicism by involvement in the grassiest of grassroots: my own city neighborhood. You can make a difference.

“Investments in transit, biking, and walking infrastructure are good for the overall system. A study by the Victoria Transport Policy Institute found that shifting just 5% of urban trips from cars to active transportation modes significantly decreases congestion and road maintenance expenses. And wouldn’t you know it, New York’s tolling program reduced car trips by 7% in lower Manhattan.”

Private motorists should subsidize public transit

Amen. This is what’s I’ve been preaching as well. I can’t personally wave a magic wand and make the depressingly awful things happening to America go away, but I can do small civic things that make my community better. Believe it or not, it helps.

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The Ohio Statehouse, where the will of the people goes to die.…